Farm Produce Price List June 2024

A lot is growing at MaGreen Morganics’ Fikirini farm. Even though we have had some dry weeks, we are so grateful for the rains that have enabled our crops flourish. The farm is all lush and green – a beautiful sight to behold.

During this season, in addition to the traditional vegetables, we also have green pepper and tomatoes. Do check out the whole list of items available to you this month in the table below.

Our target market is the community around our Fikirini farm in Kwale County i.e. areas around Shimoni, Fikirini, Kanana and Lunga Lunga. Place an order either via mobile: +254 790 711331 or email: Looking forward to supplying quality produce to you.

Farm ProduceQuantityPrice (KES)
AmaranthBunch25 *
NightshadeBunch25 *
CorianderBunch20 *
Green PepperKg100
Lemon GrassBunch20 *
CoconutPiece20 *
BananaPiece5 *
PawpawPiece20 *
Coconut BranchPiece10
Passion FruitKg100
Chicken EggsPiece25
Guinea Fowl EggsPiece50
Guinea FowlOne2,000
Oyster MushroomPunnet250

Prices marked with asterisk (*) denotes the starting price. Final price depends on the size of the product.