Farm Produce Price List 2024

Our mission at MaGreen Morganics is to grow quality and nutrient-dense food that we can supply to the community around our farm in Fikirini. We have committed to grow food devoid of pesticides and insecticides that are harmful to our health and to the environment.

We grow mainly indigenous vegetables, herbs, fruits and mushrooms. We keep poultry especially indigenous (kienyeji) chickens and guinea fowl (we are licensed by Kenya Wildlife Services).

Our target market is the community around our Fikirini farm in Kwale County i.e. areas around Shimoni, Fikirini, Kanana and Lunga Lunga. Here is our current price list for farm produce available at our Fikirini farm. Place an order either via mobile: +254 790 711331 or email: Looking forward to supplying quality produce to you.

Farm ProduceQuantityPrice (KES)
AmaranthBunch20 *
NightshadeBunch20 *
CorianderBunch20 *
Lemon GrassBunch20 *
CoconutPiece20 *
BananaPiece5 *
Coconut BranchPiece10
PawpawPiece20 *
Passion FruitKg100
Chicken EggsPiece25
Guinea Fowl EggsPiece50
Guinea FowlOne2,000
ChickenOne1,000 *
Oyster MushroomPunnet250

Prices marked with asterisk (*) denotes the starting price. Final price depends on the size of the product.