Seedlings Price List

At MaGreen Morganics, we pride ourselves in growing nutrients-dense food. Growing healthy food starts with having access to strong and healthy seedlings. As we started our farming operations at our Fikirini farm in Kwale County in Coastal Kenya, we found it difficult to access quality seedlings. We had to buy and ship seedlings either from Nairobi or other locations. This was proved expensive and often times the seedlings got delivered in bad quality due to rough transportation. We had to find a long-lasting solution.

We put up a seedlings nursery to cater for our vegetable and tree seedlings needs. Through experimentation, we have now optimized our seedling growing operation and are now consistently producing strong and quality organic seedlings. While our focus was to produce enough seedlings for our farm, we always had an eye on producing extra seedlings that we could supply to other farmers in our community.

Here is our current price list for vegetable seedlings available at our Fikirini farm. If you are a farmer and are based in Kwale County, do get in touch with us either via mobile: +254 790 711331 or email: Looking forward to supplying quality seedlings to you.

Seedling Type / Aina Ya MichePrice / Bei (KES)
Eggplant / Biriganya7
Tomato / Nyanya10
Kale / Sukuma Wiki8
Swiss Chard / Spinachi8
Bell Pepper / Pili Pili Hoho10
Cucumber / Tango20
Amaranth / Mchicha6
Nightshade / Mnavu6
Bulb Onion / Kitunguu4